Information and Offer

This category provides information about the item shop and current promotions in English. Learn about available items and special offers, including promotions for donations or other types of promotions.
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Joined: Thu Jun 20, 2024 8:24 pm
Location: Romania

Information and Offer

Post by Obsidian »

  • Click Here for English
  • Donations made between 21:00 PM - 04:00 AM UTC will be received after 04:00 AM UTC.

  • Please read the details of the donation methods carefully.

  • Donations are only made to [SA]Obsidian or [SA]Mammon!

  • Information on how to donate can be found at the bottom.

  • Current Offers:

  • Details:50 Eur = 30.000 Aegis Coins;
  • Details:50 Eur = 950,000 MD + 950,000 JD;
  • Details:You ll recieve the following items:
    • 30 Spirit Stones for S Skills;
    • 30 Exorcism Scrolls;
    • 10 Map Entry Tickets - The Hundred Chamber of Doom
    • You can CHOOSE 4 items from the list below:

  • Details:You ll recieve the following items:
    • 50 Spirit Stones for S Skills;
    • 50 Exorcism Scrolls;
    • 50 Map Entry Tickets - The Hundred Chamber of Doom
    • You'll recieve ALL items from the list below:

  • Details: With this offer, you will receive the following:
    - 150 PVM Amulets of your choice;
    - 50 Upgrades for PVP stones (+14 - +18)

  • Value of donations without the offer:
  • 10 Eur = 10,000 Dragon Coins;
  • 5 Eur = 10,000 Dragon Tokens;
  • Aegis Coins cannot be purchased individually and can only be obtained in-game or with the offer;
  • Donation Methods:

  • 1. Revolut:

  • REVOLUT ID: @oliviavghj
  • Please specify the amount of Coins for which you donated and your Character name in the donation details.
  • Example: Donate 10 euros, specify in the details "1000 MD,CharacterName" (Replace CharacterName with your character's name)
  • To ensure you receive the coins instantly, please contact a staff member before or immediately after donating. Sometimes we may not receive a notification or may not pay attention to notifications.
  • 2. Paypal:
  • To use this method, please contact a staff member.
  • 3. Paysafecard (Only Romania):
  • To donate using this method, you must have a Paysafecard code purchased from Romania.
  • Any other Paysafecard code purchased from another country cannot be accepted.
    - Additionally, to donate using this method, please contact a staff member on the Discord server or in-game.
  • 4. Bank Transfer:
  • To donate using this method, please contact a staff member on the Discord server or in-game.
  • If you choose this method, you will receive the Dragon Coins when the transaction is COMPLETED (when the donated amount has reached us).
  • In general, bank transfers take between 1 and 3 working days for Romania and 2-5 working days for other countries.
  • Instant transfers can only be made BRD - BRD during the week, or Bank from Romania - Revolut, instantly.
  • 5. Western Union/MoneyGram
  • To donate using this method, please contact a staff member on the Discord server or in-game.
  • If you choose this method, you will receive the Dragon Coins when the transaction is COMPLETED (when the donated amount has reached us).
  • Additional Information
  • To donate using this method, please contact a staff member on the Discord server or in-game.
  • You can only donate for items that exist in the server's item shop.
  • If an item does not exist in the item shop, you cannot donate to obtain it.
  • We do not offer staff rank in exchange for donations.
  • Apasa Click Aici pentru Limba Romana
  • Donatiile efectuate intre orele 00:00 AM si 09:00 AM Ora Romaniei, vor fi primite dupa ora 09:00 AM.

  • Te rugam sa citesti cu atentie detaliile.

  • Donatiile se fac doar la [SA]Obsidian sau [SA]Mammon!

  • In partea de jos puteti gasi metodele prin care puteti dona.

  • Oferte Actuale:

  • Detalii:50 Eur = 30.000 Aegis Coins;
  • Detalii:50 Eur = 950,000 MD + 950,000 JD;
  • Detalii:Vei primi urmatoarele Obiecte:
    • 30 Piatra Spiritului pentru Skilluri S;
    • 30 Pergamentul Exorcizarii;
    • 10 Tichete de intrare in harta - The Hundred Chamber of Doom
    • Poti ALEGE 4 obiecte din lista de mai jos:

  • Detalii:Vei primi urmatoarele obiecte:
    • 50 Piatra Spiritului pentru Skilluri S ;
    • 50 Pergamentul Exorcizarii;
    • 50 Tichete de intrare in- The Hundred Chamber of Doom
    • Vei primi TOATE obiectele din lista de mai jos:

  • Detalii: Pret:50 Eur
    La aceasta oferta vei primi urmatoarele:
    - 150 Amulete PVM la alegere;
    - 50 Upgrade pentru pietrele PVP (+14 - +18)
  • Valoare donatii fara oferta:
  • 10 Eur = 10,000 Monede Dragon;
  • 5 Eur = 10,000 Jetoane Dragon;
  • Aegis Coins nu pot fi cumparate individual si este necesar sa fie cumparate impreuna cu o oferta;
  • Metode de Donatie:

  • 1. Revolut:

  • REVOLUT ID: @oliviavghj
  • Te rugam sa specifici Numele Caracterului si Oferta dorita.
  • Exemplu: Daca donezi 10 Euro, specifica la detalii "1000 MD,Nume Caracter" (Inlocuieste Nume Caracter cu numele caracterului tau)
  • Pentru a te asigura ca primesti Oferta sau Monedele Instant, te rugam sa contactezi si un membru staff dupa ce ai efectuat donatia.
  • 2. Paypal:
  • Aceasta metoda este restrictionata.Daca doresti sa folosesti aceasta metoda, te rugam sa contactezi un membru staff.
  • 3. Paysafecard (DoarRomania):
  • Pentru a dona prin aceasta metoda trebuie sa detii un cod PaysafeCard cumparat din Romania.
  • Orice alt cod cumparat dintr o alta tara nu poate fi acceptat si va fi returnat.
    - De asemenea, inainte de a dona prin aceasta metoda te rugam sa contactezi un membru staff.
  • 4. Transfer Bancar:
  • Pentru a folosi aceasta metoda te rugam sa contactezi un membru staff in joc sau pe discord.
  • Daca folosesti aceasta metoda, vei primi Oferta sau Monedele doar atunci cand donatia ajunge la noi.
  • In general transferurile se realizeaza instant insa exista cazuri cand acestea pot dura de la 1 pana la 5 zile lucratoare.
  • 5. Western Union/MoneyGram
  • Pentru a folosi aceasta metoda te rugam sa contactezi un membru staff in joc sau pe discord.
  • Daca folosesti aceasta metoda, vei primi Oferta sau Monedele doar atunci cand donatia ajunge la noi.
  • Informatii aditionale
  • Poti dona doar pentru ce exista pe server in Magazinul Aegis sau in Magazinul de Obiecte.
  • Nu oferim grad in Staff pe donatie!
You have a warrior's heart. I think I'll take it.

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