Tutorial Event Kingdom Siege

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Tutorial Event Kingdom Siege

Post by Obsidian »

  • What is Kingdom Siege?

  • Kingdom Siege is a special event that occurs every two weeks. The goal is to find and destroy three large stones called Monoliths, which appear on a special map accessible through the Siege Teleportation Ring.


  • How Does the Event Work?

  • There are three monolith stones named Jinoo, Shinsoo, and Chunjo. Each monolith has an associated kingdom: Jinoo for the blue kingdom, Shinsoo for the red kingdom, and Chunjo for the yellow kingdom.


  • Only guild members can participate in this event. It's important to be in a guild to be able to win.

  • The goal is to destroy one or more monolith stones. If you're in a guild and destroy a monolith, your guild wins that kingdom.

  • Only guild members can destroy the monolith for the victory to count. If a player without a guild destroys the monolith, that player will be disqualified.

  • The last hit counts the most. If one player tries to destroy the monolith and another player comes and destroys it before you can, that player's guild will win the kingdom.


  • Prizes for Winners

  • Custom Costumes: All members of the winning guilds will receive custom costumes with the guild name valid for 2 weeks.

  • The guild's name will appear in 3D format in the won kingdom.

  • Each member of the winning guild will receive 1,000 Dragon Coins and 1,000 JD daily until the next event.

  • If a guild wins 2 or more kingdoms, the prizes double or triple (except for the custom costume, which can only be received once).

  • Useful Tips for Players:

  • Successful Team:
  • Try to have one member attack the monolith and others defend them.
  • Free PvP Mode:
  • Make sure you are in free PvP mode because it's a competition. It doesn't matter if you're in the same kingdom or not.
  • Alliances:
  • You can form alliances with other guilds to avoid attacking each other and to help each other win desired kingdoms.
  • Information:
  • Remember, this is a PvP event where everyone attacks everyone! Stay vigilant!
You have a warrior's heart. I think I'll take it.

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